Pedagocial approach

Pedagogical approach

- An introductory course (CDI) (4 hours) will be provided. A presentation of the current problems on the propagation of acoustic waves in metamaterials for  different frequency regimes will be the touchstone of this first part.

- Six training courses (CF) (of 2 hours) will be organized to progressively introduce theoretical notions, tools for the characterization of metamaterials and their experimental implementation. The CFs will allow the participants to discover a broad and multidisciplinary panorama of the theme, while appreciating the common points beyond the diversity of applications. The CF will be in the form of lectures, tutorials and lab works in order to understand the basic and applied notions of acoustic metamaterials. The CF will be devoted to the presentation of the classical techniques used to address the problems of the topic and to solve them. One of the CF courses will be given by an international expert, Prof. Pierre Deymier, favoring the attractiveness of the school.

- Five research courses (CR) (1 to 2 hours) will be proposed in the following way: 1 course for the acoustic metamaterials theme given by Prof. José Sánchez Dehesa, international researcher on the subject, 1 course for metamaterials for RF, 1 course for metamaterials for seismics, 1 course for mechanical metamaterials and a course for perceptual aspects. The total planned hourly volume is 9 hours.

- Four industrial seminars (SI) (30 minutes per course) presented by industrialists will be given to illustrate the technological challenges and societal challenges for each thematic block. The total planned hourly volume is 2 hours.

- Informal exchanges on the courses will be organized during free time, between the speakers and the interested participants. In particular, after lunch there will be scientific exchanges around a scientific coffe, where discussions can be organized on the basis of discussions on training courses or on topical research aspects. More generally, a theme may be proposed by participants wishing to explore a particular point.

- A poster session will be organized to encourage participants to present their work.

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